Important Dates:
15 April 2025: Extended Deadline for Abstract 30 May 2025: Full Paper Deadline 31 July 2025: Early Bird Reg. Deadline 20 Aug. 2025: Regular Reg. Deadline 11-13 November: Onsite Registration Deadline 11-13 November 2025: Conference Days |
Call for Papers:
Authors are invited to submit the title and an abstract of about 150-250 words in English in MSWORD by online abstract submission form using the conference website. The proceedings in CDROM/USB including full papers with page numbering will be provided at the conference. The proceedings will carry an ISBN reference. English will be the official language of this conference.
Proceedings ISBN 978-4-909106124 C3051.
Authors are invited to submit the title and an abstract of about 150-250 words in English in MSWORD by online abstract submission form using the conference website. The proceedings in CDROM/USB including full papers with page numbering will be provided at the conference. The proceedings will carry an ISBN reference. English will be the official language of this conference.
Proceedings ISBN 978-4-909106124 C3051.
Two peers will review all papers, and awards will be given for highly commended papers. Reviewers recommended papers from the conference will be published in the International Journal of GEOMATE with a nominal fee for conf. registrants provided that the paper must be upgraded and rewritten according to reviewers' comments and journal templates.
Two peers will review all papers, and awards will be given for highly commended papers. Reviewers recommended papers from the conference will be published in the International Journal of GEOMATE with a nominal fee for conf. registrants provided that the paper must be upgraded and rewritten according to reviewers' comments and journal templates.
GEOMATE 2025 Program
Day 1: Tuesday, 11 November 2025
1500-1800 Registrations
1800-1900 Welcome Cocktails
1900-2000 Special Dinner for Keynote Speakers
1500-1800 Registrations
1800-1900 Welcome Cocktails
1900-2000 Special Dinner for Keynote Speakers
Day 2: Wednesday, 12 November 2025
"All meeting times are in Japan time."
0830-1700 Registration
"All meeting times are in Japan time."
0830-1700 Registration
0900-0910 Opening and Welcome Address Welcome address by Prof Zakaria Hossain 0910-1010 Keynote Session |
1010-1030 Morning Refreshments
1030-1130 Oral Session 1 1130-1230 Oral Session 3 |
1030-1130 Oral Session 2 1130-1230 Oral Session 4 |
1230-1330 Lunch
Poster Session-1 (hang at 1300 ~, remove at 1700) Q&A 1530
1530-1550: Afternoon Refreshments
1550-1600 Group Photo |
Poster Session-1 (hang at 1300 ~, remove at 1700) Q&A 1530
1600-1620 Journal Publications Guidance (Room Oral Session 5)
1830-2030 Banquet & Awards Ceremony 1830 Group Photo in Banquet Hall 1930-2030 Awards Ceremony 2030 Adjournment for the Day |
Day 3: Thursday, 13 November 2025
"All meeting times are in Japan time."
0830-1600 Registration
"All meeting times are in Japan time."
0830-1600 Registration
0830-0930 Oral Session 13 0930-1030 Oral Session 15 |
0830-0930 Oral Session 14 0930-1030 Oral Session 16 |
Poster Session-2 (hang at 0900~, remove at 1250) Q&A 1030
1030-1050: Morning Refreshment
Poster Session-2 (hang at 0900~, remove at 1250) Q&A 1030
1050-1150 Oral Session 17 1150-1250 Oral Session 19 |
1050-1150 Oral Session 18 1150-1250 Oral Session 20 |
1250-1350 Lunch
Poster Session-3 (hang at 1300 ~, remove at 1700) Q&A 1630
1350-1450 Oral Session 21 1450-1550 Oral Session 23 |
1350-1450 Oral Session 22 1450-1550 Oral Session 24 |
1550-1610: Afternoon Refreshments
1610-1630 Journal Publications Guidance (Room Oral Session 5) 1630-1640 Closure of Conference, Group Photo |
Poster Session-3 (hang at 1300 ~, remove at 1700) Q&A 1630
Day 4: Friday, 14 November 2025
1300-1700 Technical Tour
1300-1700 Technical Tour
Conference Honorary Chairmen:
E/Prof. Dr. Sohji Inoue, Mie University, Japan E/Prof. Dr. Teruo Nakai, NIT, Japan E/Prof. Dr. Fusao Oka, Kyoto University, Japan Prof. Dr. Bajang B.K. Huat, UPM, Malaysia Conference Chairmen: Prof. Dr. Zakaria Hossain, Mie University, Japan (General) Prof. Dr. Satoshi Kaneco, Mie University, Japan (Prog.-Chair) Conference Organizing Committee: Dr. Zakaria Hossain, Prof. Mie University, Japan (Chair) Dr. Satoshi Kaneco, Prof., Mie University, Japan (Prog.-Chair) Dr. Sohji Inoue, E/Prof. Mie University, Japan (Co-Chair) Dr. Toshinori Sakai, Prof. Mie University, Japan (Co-Chair) Dr. Takamitsu Kajisa, E/Prof. Mie University, Japan (Co-Chair) Dr. Kenji Okajima, Prof. Mie University, Japan (Co-Chair) Dr. Masaaki Kondo, A/Prof. Mie University, Japan (Co-Chair) National & International Advisory Committee: Prof. Dr. Fumio Tatsuoka, Tokyo University of Science, Japan Prof. Dr. Junichiro Takeuchi, Kyoto University, Japan Prof. Dr. Kingshuk Roy, Nihon University, Japan Prof. Dr. Sai Vanapalli, University of Ottawa, Canada Prof. Dr. Musharraf Zaman, Univ. of Oklahama, USA Prof. Dr. Rafiqul Tarefder, University of New Mexico, USA Prof. Dr. M. Bouassida, National Sch. of Engg. of Tunis Prof. Dr. L.R. Austriaco, Angles Univ. Found., Philippines Prof. Dr. M. Ibn Ibrahimy, Int. Islamic Univ., Malaysia Prof. Dr. Bujang B.K. Huat, Univ. Putra Malaysia Prof. Dr. Nemy Banthia, Univ. of British Columbia, Canada Prof. Dr. Ian Jefferson, Univ. of Birmingham, UK Prof. Dr. John Bolander, Univ. of California, USA Prof. Dr. Shamsul Chowdhury, Roosevelt Univ., USA Prof. Dr. Isabel Pinto, University of Coimbra, Portugal Prof. Dr. Mark Jaksa, University of Adelaide, Australia Prof. Dr. Hj. Ramli Bin Hj. Nazir, UTM, Malaysia Prof. Dr. M.S. Hossain, International Islamic Univ. Bangladesh Prof. Dr. Suksun Horpibulsuk, Suranaree Uni of Tech, Thailand Dr. Muzamir Hasan, Director, CERRM, Univ. Malaysia Pahang Dr. Afshin Asadi, S/Lecturer, Int. College of Auckland, New Zealand GEOMATE 2022 Best Paper Award-Click HereSEE-Mie 2022 Best Paper Award-Click HereGEOMATE 2021 Best Paper Award-Click HereSEE-Mie 2021 Best Paper Award-Click HereGEOMATE 2020 Best Paper Award-Click HereSEE-Mie 2020 Best Paper Award-Click Here |
Venue: Kyoto Research Park (KRP), Kyoto, JapanConference History: (Proceedings All--Click Here)1. GEOMATE2011, Tsu city, Mie, Japan, Nov. 21-23, 2011
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Toshinori Sakai, Mie Univ., Japan 2. GEOMATE2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 14-16, 2012 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Bujang B.K. Huat, UPM, Malaysia 3. GEOMATE2013, Nagoya, Japan, Nov.13-15, 2013 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Teruo Nakai, NIT, Japan 4. GEOMATE2014, Brisbane, Australia, Nov.18-20, 2014 Chairman: Dr. Jim Shiau, USQ, Brisbane, Australia 5. GEOMATE2015-Osaka, Japan Nov. 16-18, 2015 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Akira Kobayashi, Kansai University, Japan 6. GEOMATE2016, Bangkok, Thailand, Nov.14-16, 2016 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Suksun Horpibulsuk, Suranaree Uni. of Tech. 7. GEOMATE2017 Tsu city, Mie, Japan Nov. 21-23, 2017 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Zakaria Hossain, Mie University, Japan 8. GEOMATE2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 20-22, 2018 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Bujang B.K. Huat, UPM, Malaysia 9. GEOMATE2019 Fuchu city, Tokyo, Japan Nov. 20-22, 2019 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Zakaria Hossain, Mie University, Japan 10. GEOMATE 2020 Melbourne, Australia, Nov. 11-13, 2020 Chairman: A/Prof. Dr. John Victor Smith, RMIT Univ. Australia 11. GEOMATE2021 Kyoto city, Japan Nov. 3-5, 2021 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Zakaria Hossain, Mie University, Japan 12. GEOMATE2022, Bangkok, Thailand, Nov.22-24, 2022 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Suksun Horpibulsuk, Suranaree Uni. of Tech. 13. GEOMATE2023, Tsu City, Mie, Japan, Nov. 14-16, 2023 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Zakaria Hossain, Mie University, Japan 14. GEOMATE2024, Pattaya, Thailand, Nov. 13-15, 2024 Chairman: Prof. Dr. Suksun Horpibulsuk, Suranaree Uni. of Tech. Conference Correspondence:Prof. Dr. Zakaria Hossain,
Mie University, Japan E-mail: Tel & Fax: +81-59-231-9578 |
INTRODUCTION: The 15th International Conference on Geotechnique, Construction Materials and Environment, GEOMATE 2025, will be held in Kyoto Research Park (KRP), Kyoto, Japan, in conjunction with the Mie University Research Center for Environmental Load Reduction, The GEOMATE International Society, Japan. It aims to provide a great opportunity to share common interests in geo-engineering, construction materials, environmental issues, water resources, and earthquake and tsunami disasters. The conference will be dedicated to those affected by the tragic Tohoku-Kanto earthquake, which occurred on Friday, 11 March 2011, at 14:46 Japan Standard Time, in which the northeast of Japan was severely damaged. The thirteen previous events were held in Pattaya, Thailand; Tsu City, Mie, Japan; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Nagoya, Japan; Brisbane, Australia; Osaka, Japan; Bangkok, Thailand; Mie, Japan; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Tokyo, Japan; Melbourne, Australia; Kyoto, Japan and Bangkok, Thailand. The organizers encourage and welcome your enthusiastic participation and look forward to receiving contributions demonstrating in-depth multidisciplinary technology toward new research and development. English will be the official language of this conference.
Organized by: |